I told Shay I wanted to wait to get engaged until we had been dating for 2 years. I told him I did not want to get engaged in August...so he chose September 1, 2011 to pop the question. I did not know when he was going to do it but I knew it was coming. We had talked about marriage and the future about a year after we had been together. He even took me to look at rings so he would have an idea of what I liked. I fell in love with this particular ring...it is an anniversary band so it did not come with a wedding band as a set. It is a three-stone emerald cut so it is very unique. He knew I loved it so much, he went back that day and bought it :)
He waited until my lunch break to ask me to marry him! I was so surprised, I cried and laughed at the same time. I don't even think I gave him a verbal "yes" until an hour later! It was the best day of my life so far. He definitely surprised me and what is funny is I still had to go to class that afternoon! I was still in shock so I forgot all my notebooks and everything, I don't think I paid attention to any of the lectures that day! |