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Francisco and Camille met at a LaSalle highschool dance in January 2006 at the Westin Collonade Hotel in Coral Gables. They didn't speak much until reunited in 2007. Remeber MySpace? A simple comment and bulletin message brought these two together. Their first date was at Sunset Place to see a movie. Camille will always remember the yellow Lacoste polo Frank was wearing. He felt sick that night after the movie which he later attributed to nerves. A couple more movie dates, and on October 13, 2007, outside of Camille's house sitting on the bed of his father's truck, Frank asked Cam to be his girlfriend. The couple realizes soon after that they were in love. The couple has seen so much in there many years together. 5 Years (and counting) of a long distance relationship has helped each one grow up and mature on their own and they cherish the little time they have together. Both cannot wait to live together, get married and have children. Communicatiion is key for this relationship and either one knows how to hold back. Both have strong perosnalities and stubborn mentalities but somehow they have formed a strong bond that will never be broken. 
