| We are off today to look at all the flower choices for our beach wedding. Thanks to our parents and our wedding planner I think we are getting a good deal. We'll let you know how it goes. So, everyone who read my last blog entry replied with some great suggestions for the extra activities that we can do on our Jamaican honeymoon! Thank you! I have already added them to the registry but I'm still in the process of reserving the other honeymoon activities. It is all so exciting! :) It is official! Our honeymoon dates and flight itineraries have been booked and taken care of, thanks to our travel agent! I am so excited to have all of this going as planned! This really has been an amazing experience but now I have to start working on the booking of the activities! If anyone has some ideas for any extra activities we can do on our honeymoon, please suggest it and we will book it! |