Do I need to book a cruise to attend the wedding and reception?
No! While everyone is weclomed to book a cruise and sail with us, you do not need to sail with us to attend the wedding. Non-sailing guest will be allowed on the ship with the wedding party, and then will be asked to debark the ship around 2:00 in the afternoon.
What do we need to bring with us if we just choose to attend the wedding as a non-sailing guest?
Non-sailing guests are required to bring State-Issued ID/Driver's License for security. All minor non-sailing guest are required to have their birth certificate for security. In addition please text Jessica at (760)447-8684 the following information; guest names, date of birth, email address and contact number. It is important that we have this information on file, otherwise the cruise line will not allow you to board for the wedding.
Ok, we booked our cruise, now what?
We are excited you are joining us for the cruise. To attach your booking to our wedding party, there is some additional information that will be needed for our paperwork. Please text Jessica the following information to (760)447-8684. The information needed is the booking number, cabin number, names of all guests in the cabin. For guest under 20, I also will need their date of birth.
When is the absolute latest I can RSVP?
Due to security measures, that are needed to board a cruise ship, all RSVPs must be recieved by Monday, August, 11th, 2025. This deadline is required by the cruise line to complete all the necessary paperwork.
How do we get on the ship for the wedding?
For all guest (sailing and non-sailing), it is requested that you arrive at the port by 9:00am. Our wedding group will have priority boarding and the first on the ship to allow plenty of time for the wedding and reception. Please be prompt, because Carnival can not guarantee priority boarding for those who arrive late.
At the port, Jessica and Alex will have boarding passes ready for all non-sailing guest. Sailing guest please print your boarding materials prior to arriving at the port.
Will There Be Parking Available At The Venue?
Yes! Parking is available at the Long Beach Cruise Terminal parking structure for $23 per day (rates subject to change). 0-30 minutes - No charge, 31 to 59 minutes $4.00, 1 to 2 hours $8.00. Note: The Garage Height Limit is 7'0". Oversized vehicles (those utilizing more than one parking space) cannot park in the cruise terminal garage and guests must make alternate/offsite parking arrangements.
For questions about parking, please call (800) 764-7419.
Is There A Dress Code?
Nothing formal. We’re on a ship after all. But we hope our wedding will be a fun reason to dress up a bit!