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Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
Our Story

So, I hadn't ever been to New York City. One of Joes best friends played for the Yankees and Joe kept going up there throughout the year. I was pretttyyyy jealous. I always wanted to see all the places that Joe was texting me pictures from, trying to explain where he was. The last time he went he promised me that he would take me around Christmas. I didn't believe him (I know I am horrible). One of my best friends, Lena, also happens to be my boss. She and Joe worked together to get my shifts covered AND to put out a fake schedule so I would have no idea anything was going on! Joe had even worked with my hairdresser to get me in before we left, so I could have beautiful (PURPLE ) hair in our photos! Christmas Eve approached and Joe told me when I got home that he had something to tell me. He then sprung the suprise that we were going to New York for the day and then to Atlantic City! He told me what Lena had done for us and that Sammi would be watching Bam (our puppy). I was AMAZED, and so excited!!!!!! I didn't suspect anything! We got ready and packed. I called my girls and thanked them so much. Christmas morning, we got up early and got on the road. I was estatic. I love spending time with Joe, singing lame songs on the radio, and having great conversastion with my best friend. The road trip was a blast! When approaching New York, I was getting giddy. We finally got into the city and parked by his old apartment. We bundled up. I was amazed that where we parked had car elevators!!!!!! When everything was all set, we started walking. First, he showed me his old apartment. Then we walked by the David Letterman building. Then we made our way down to Times Square, taking pictures all along the way. (I was nothing short of a tacky tourist!) When we got to Time Square it was PACKED! I was shocked there were so many people there! We took so many pictures, saw ourselves on the Forever 21 camera, saw the Ball for NYE, everything! We then went on to get a cup of Starbucks (big time treat for us!). We walked alittle further and saw where the Macy's day parade is, the macys store, and the Empire State Building. At this point I am in lala land seeing all my childhood TV show places and memories in real life! Joe called a cab (I took a picture of that) and we rode down to central park! Ahhhh! CENTRAL PARK. When we got out of the cab, Joe asked the man where the horse drawn carriages were. For those of you who don't know me as well, horses are my love. I have been involved with them since I was a kid. This was my fairytale coming true, NYC - Christmas - Coffee - Love of my Life - Central Park - and a beautiful percheron horse guiding us around. Still unsuspecting, Joe and I cuddled up, and enjoyed the ride with JoJo ( the horsey!) When we were all done, we got off, said our goodbye, and kept on. We walked down and saw Radio City, NBC studios, and we landed in the midst of Rockefeller Center. There were so many people, you could not even move! I was amazed! We got to an area where I could safely pull out my camera and take pictures! I was busy doing that, while Joe was setting up the proposal (I had no idea!) He had heard of these little Kodak areas that take professional pictures in a blocked of area. He was communicating with the ladies that worked there and got them to video - even though they could get fired for it! He then came back to me and told me he got them to take our pictures, so we didn't have to pay for them. Awesome! So we went in, and took a kissy picture - my favorite! They asked if we wanted another one, and Joe replied, yes! I want to do a funny one. He asked if we could, I said yes. Before I knew it he was down on one knee asking me to marry him! TO MARRY HIM! I was in shock! Then alittle confused, because if this was a funny one is he joking? But he wasnt. I said yes, and got down on the ground and kissed him. Not even taking a second to look at my Ring! We got out of the area, I hugged everyone..... and then I busted out crying. He and I looked at the ring. He told me it was his moms from the 1920's that he had reset and redone for me. We went and got the professional pictures, where he proceeded to tell me all about everything he had planned. He had champaigne waiting for us in the car and a suite in Atlantic City with his best man flying in to celebrate. I couldnt believe it. I was completely in shock and suprised. Cinderella Story? I think so! 
