|  | We met through a mutual friend, Chris Scarberry. We talked for 3 weeks on the phone and online, then eventually met up to play pool at Hudsons. It didn't take long for us to fall for each other. I (katie) played hard to get for a while but Zak won me over with his humor and sneaky ways to get me to hang out, like leaving his car at hudson so i had to take him the next day. We never thought we would be here today but, even through the hard times we can make each other smile and we never go to bed angry. |  | Zak as you know is in the army and leaves constantly. I was worried how that would result in our relationship and so was he. After two months of being gone from me for training he realized, he couldn't find anyone better and that he missed me so much it hurt. Life without each other is unimaginable. We are just perfect for each other and I don't just mean because all of our fights are basically about who ate whoms food :)!! I have never been happier and couldn't ask for a better partner and best friend! |  |
We can't wait to share one of the most important day of our lives with our friends and families. We thank you all so much for all the help, love and support you have expressed through this crazy journey. We hope you enjoy our wedding at the beautiful Sparks Rose Garden in Oklahoma City. Our reception will be full of fun and excitement! Please join us and celebrate our new lives as Mr. and Mrs. Bradfield! There will be dining, favors, drinks, dancing, good music, good times for all! Our wedding reception will immediately follow our ceremony. All of the information is being worked out and you should be receiving our invitations soon! It is at the Sparks rose garden in Okc and the ceremony starts at 5:45pm and reception at 7:00pm.
|  | We are funding this wedding by ourselves and can not afford a honeymoon. Zak has never been to the beach and growing up the ocean was a big part of my life . I want to be the first one he experiences this new adventure with. Plus, after him being gone most of 2014 we need a romantic get away! We hope to have all wedding gifts donated towards our honeymoon thank you for your love and support it means the world as we start our new lives as husband and wife! |