My Version
Never in a million years would it have crossed my mind that soon I would be marrying Javier Luna. Still to the date when I look at him I smile and giggle in awe. I am in bedazzled by the happy memories we have built together and the love we have for one another which I don't think anyone (not even me) would have ever guessed we would be a couple building a family and a future together.
Anyhow ... here's my version ...
Alamo Heights 1996 - Javier Luna a senior in high school had a crush on a junior girl (me) :)
So this boy had a girlfriend; however, this girl caught his eye. The girl only wanted to be friends but he wanted to be close to her and would wait by her side to be picked up from school ... of course by then, he would resume to his usual jock lifestyle and back to his girlfriend ... so I presumed. The last day of school ... the afternoon he was kissing high school good bye he also kissed this girl good bye. Oh yes, he stole a kiss. And that was the end of that.
San Antonio 2008 - I came back to hometown after living in Houston for 5 yrs. I had to redo my life. After settling back in my goal was to get back in touch with my old friendships. I needed to surround myself with friends again.
San Antonio 2009 - This is the year to begin social life. So this year I prayed to God everyday and asked for Him to send me a friend, someone who I can share my days with and also asked for a good man in my life and .... BOOM! ... God has a great sense of humor .... along came a beautiful blonde male who needed someone like me, who had no strings attached, no one to call his owner. He was a yellow labrador dog which I named DJ. LOL
Thank you Lord! Now it was time to be more specific in my prayers and so I did with more detailed characteristcs. Not much time longer... comes along the picture AND so does the picture of Javier Luna. With one of my best friends by my side I said, "WOW ... I remember him ... he looks all grown up ... I wonder how life has treated him?" So I go ahead and tell her the story of this once young boy. I told her how sweet he was and how he would wait with me, etc. As I am looking at his picture I am thinking "He is married for sure, I wonder how many kids he has, did he marry his high school sweetheart, etc." but then again I gave her the look and told her, "But What IF ..."
A quick hi but flirtatious message was sent my way. We were to get in touch and catch up. Time goes by so I called him up one night, caught him in the middle of a lake party but we talked for hours. It was nice to hear a familiar voice so we made it official. We were going to meet a couple of days later to grab a bite to eat and catch up, remember the good 'ole days.
Chunky's - March 2009 - The first spot we ever went to. We met up and hit it off the bat just talking and talking. Finally! I was so happy to have an adult conversation. I was a middle school teacher so I needed adult interaction urgently. I swear my intentions were only to have a friend. He was a safe choice for sure. He was always a gentleman in high school and I was not attracted to him, so he was the perfect fit. I needed a guy friend. A dude friend or however you wish to see it.
As friends we continued to talk and go out to places and just have fun UNTIL ONE DAY ... he held my hand ... and... OH NO!! That was it ... I FELT BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH. I was doomed. A hitman must have hired Cupid that night to shoot his arrow through my heart. Freakin' cupid! At that moment everything changed. I no longer saw him just as a friend, I saw him as a man. I still have a price on your head Cupid!! The Reward Letter is still out to hunt you and thank you .. because ...
Now, this is the man I am marrying. My friend, my love, my honey, mi rey. After all these years and all the moments we have lived together the day has come when we will marry each other. Increidible. We have had a roller coaster ride that is for sure. We have had our good share of unforgettable memories. Good and bad. There were moments that we even were apart but decided to come back to each other. Oh yeah and you know what else we've had? A baby boy,a little bundle of joy that also keeps us awake ;) But to get back on track ... The dearest, most memorable and great memories outweigh the not so good ones. No love is perfect but working at it makes it all the more special. Our love for each other has kept us together, there is a strong bond between our hearts which will only continue to get stronger and soon will be joined forever.